Abutment Seating JigsI’ve spent more than my fair share of implant crown seating appointments sweating. Not because it’s hot, but because I’m a little stressed, even if only for a matter of a few moments, or worse, a few minutes. This appointment is supposed to be the crowning glory, right? The icing on the cake, the victory lap. And what happens at least half the time?I fumble around getting that abutment lined up, pushed into the tissue, and screwed in before I drop anything, hoping I have it seated just right, so I don’t put my crown in backwards. Especially multiple unit posteriors where I can’t see a thing or anteriors that are a little deep, they can quite frankly be a little challenging.Oh, we always get them in, I’ve never sent the patient away because I couldn’t.It just a little touch and go at times, that’s all…the answer for me? Abutment seating jigs! I used to make them and now I have my lab make them for all implant prosthetic seating appointments. It is our system, whether it is one implant or many, it doesn’t matter. It makes seating abutments so easy, well, even I can do it. The seating jig can carry them into the mouth and the whole thing just drops in quick and easy. More time for coffee and way less sweating, zero stress, and way cool – sure works for me. Does any one else have a different solution? Have any of you tried this? Give me some feedback!
– Dan Clader
Dental Street Blog
November 2022